Tuesday 2 July 2024

Zarah Ahmed reports on her Norman Lloyd Scholarship experience

Zarah Ahmed (pictured below), was the tenth recipient of a Dr Norman C. Lloyd Scholarship at Cardiff University and has just completed the first year of her MCheM degree in Chemistry at the university and has submitted her end of year report. The Norman Lloyd Scholarship is given to a new student in the Cardiff School of Chemistry who is of high academic standing and resident in Wales.

What degree are you undertaking and why did you choose the course here?

I am undertaking an integrated master's in chemistry with a year in industry. I chose to complete my course here at Cardiff as I feel that it met all my needs in a degree. It has both work-experience and the MChem within four years. As a home student I also did not have to worry about familiarising myself with the area.

What is the best thing about studying at Cardiff and how have you found your experience so far?

Studying at home has both its pros and cons but the pros outweighed the cons for me personally. Firstly, I did not have to worry about accommodation and the increased maintenance it requires compared to living at home. Cardiff is a very walkable city and so most days I can walk to and from university. The Main Building is close to the city centre so I can always quickly grab a bite to eat as well as use various cafes, libraries, etc., to study which is fantastic.

What are your plans after you graduate?

In terms of a career, I am still a little unsure. At the moment, I am interested in drug testing/toxicology, environmental science, and research. After graduating, my plan would be to find work as a lab technician/research assistant as I feel that these positions would allow me to gain valuable skills as well as opportunities to network. I am hoping to create a good impression in my year in industry so that I feel confident to apply to new companies/organisations. I also hope that my year in industry will allow me to gain more insight into what I could excel in, in the future.

What have you enjoyed most and what have you found most challenging?

During this year, I have really enjoyed my practical module. It was interesting putting core module concepts with real-life experiments and seeing the experiment prove ideas. I really enjoy following the manual and learning to work out efficient ways to carry out the experiment with my partner. I am immensely proud of my second semester lab reports and feel that my results are a big achievement for me. I improved from 64% in first semester to 88% in my second semester. I am happy that I was able to use the feedback and comments to really improve my lab report writing skills.

What do you do in your spare time/alongside your degree?

I enjoy crocheting, reading books and journal/diary writing. Next year, I would like to try the Languages for All module.

What difference has this scholarship made to you? Has it enabled you to achieve anything that you would not have been able to before?

The scholarship has given me confidence in my academic ability and motivated me to do better and to strive for higher. It has given me hope that I can realistically apply for internships and other experiences without having to worry too much about finances. I was also able to comfortably lower my part-time job hours to focus more on my studies as well as my mental health.

If you could say something to the donor who gave you this gift, what would it be?

I am so incredibly grateful that I was chosen for this scholarship, and for the stability and reassurance it has given me, thank you.

We wish Zarah every success for the future!

The scholarship

The Norman Lloyd scholarship was set up by RSC Belgium in collaboration with Norman’s family and Cardiff University in memory of our old friend and supporter Norman Lloyd. Norman was himself a student at an institution that is now part of the university. The funds raised provide an annual scholarship of £1,000 for an undergraduate student, usually in their first year of study, at the Cardiff School of Chemistry.

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