Sunday 5 May 2024

Artificial Intelligence

On the evening of Thursday 25 April 2024 RSC Belgium welcomed Richard Adams FRSA to the British School of Brussels (BSB) in Tervuren to talk to us about ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) – what it is, what it can and can’t do?’. 

In an entertaining and informative talk Richard (pictured below), who is currently Head of Digital Architecture at LNER and consulting at GBRTT, outlined his vision and experience of AI and how it will, and already is, affecting our daily lives. He has a positive, optimistic view on AI and the benefits it can bring to society.


Richard has worked at the intersection of emerging technologies and creativity for over 30 years both in small and large enterprise scales. He has made interactive TV, games, interactive marketing, designed tiny and extremely large complex systems, games, entertainment and more. These days he can be found in the realm of Architecture where he makes sure systems work and are designed for future and emerging business needs, handling systems and complexity, fully exploiting Machine Learning and AI to solve business problems. He also is exploring the use of AI in his art works.

Some of the companies has worked at include Microsoft Studios, the RSC (the other one), BSkyB, BBC, Proximus, LNER, GBRTT, and more. He also co-founded a business and as a bonus has also worked in education as teacher, lecturer, Principal and has held Visiting Professor and Fellowship roles. He was Chair of Professors Without Borders for four years and remains a trustee.

Not surprisingly he is an in-demand speaker, keynote and chair as well as a published author and an FRSA, BAFTA and Society of Authors member. His educational background encompasses both Art and Computer Science, at Masters level and above.

Richard's talk was well attended and sparked a lively question and answer session with conversations continuing into the networking reception after the talk.

YouTube Video

Richard's talk and the subsequent discussion was recorded and can be found on our dedicated Youtube channel or as an embedded video below. Enjoy!

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